The Book

Sulaiman’s stories to create Revolutionary LOVE®

Sulaiman’s working Definition of Revolutionary LOVE (verb)

Painted curly arrow with a star

Beyond being love and doing things with or through love: The practising of love by revolutionary actions and existence through creativity and interdependence with curiosity, compassion, and courage for our collective liberation.

It’s about pushing back against the systems of oppression, apparent and non-apparent, and knowing we are always enough from cradle to grave. It’s about tender exploration and rebellious play with ourselves, each other, and our environment.

Disability is the most active form of Revolutionary LOVE. An unwavering commitment to ourselves, our kin (by blood and bond, human and more-than-human, and our inner and outer selves), and the ecosystems and relationships within which we live.

Imagined, written, and shared in Crip Time

Revolutionary LOVE® is Sulaiman’s second book out of 21 different current book ideas Sulaiman has; Sulaiman’s first book started in 2019, is currently on hold and put in a safe place until further notice due to personal reasons. However, hopefully, Sulaiman hopes to get it out in the world someday, even if it’s in a different format other than a book, such as a blog post or an audio recording, et cetera.

Revolutionary LOVE® is aimed to be published at some point in 2025. Watch this space.

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Love empowers us to live fully and die well. Death becomes, then, not an end to life but a part of living.

— bell hooks